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Thematic reviews and research

Read about the issues affecting people in different types of detention.

Photograph of a building painted with a large, scenic mural.

Improving behaviour in prisons: A thematic review

To reduce reoffending rates and create fewer victims of crime it is vital that prison leaders find ways to support prisoners to behave well. In this thematic report, we identify the features of eight prisons that have created cultures which are encouraging men and women to engage constructively with staff and make better use of their time in custody.

We hope that it inspires prison leaders to look for what is achievable within their own establishment.

Purposeful prisons: time out of cell

In his introduction to this paper, HM Chief Inspector of Prisons, Charlie Taylor, says:

“Purposeful activity has consistently been the worst performing of our four healthy prison assessments, but it has never been as bad as it has in the years since the pandemic. The last year was no exception. Of the 38 adult prisons we visited in 2023–24, just one establishment’s score for purposeful activity improved while 18 declined. More than half were assessed as ‘poor’, the lowest of our four judgements.”

Children in custody report 2023–24

The 2023-24 Children in Custody report found more children felt unsafe than last year, and fewer said they were getting any education.

The report analysed survey findings from children living in young offender institutions (YOIs) and secure training centres (STCs) in England and Wales. The majority of children spent their time locked in their cells, with little done to address their offending. When they were able to mix with other children on the wings, this was often marred by conflict and violence.

Read more thematic reviews