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Policy submissions and consultation responses

We respond to a range of consultations and inquiries. You can find our written responses below.

Submissions and consultation responses published before 2020 can be accessed via our archived website.

Response to the House of Lords Public Services Committee inquiry From His Majesty’s Inspectorate of Prisons

Brook House Inquiry final report: HMIP response

Response to the Justice Committee inquiry about Future Prison Population and Estate Capacity

Submission to the Justice and Home Affairs Committee inquiry about Community Sentences

Submission to the Public Accounts Committee on improving resettlement support for prison leavers

Criminal Justice Joint Inspection: Response to Delivering justice for victims’

Joint committee on the draft Mental Health Bill

Submission to the Home Affairs Committee’s inquiry into Violence Against Women and Girls (VAWG)

Submission to the APPG on Women in the Penal System inquiry into women’s health and wellbeing

Submission to the Justice Select Committee inquiry into women in prisons

Submission to the Justice Select Committee inquiry into mental health in prison

Response to NHS England, NHS Improvement and HM prison and Probation Service’s review on National Women’s Prisons Health and Social Care

Joint submission to the Education Select Committee inquiry into prison education with Ofsted

Response to Independent Chief Inspector of Borders and Immigration (ICIBI) second annual inspection of ‘Adults at Risk’ in immigration detention

Submission to the Ministry of Justice consultation, Strengthening the Independent Scrutiny Bodies through Legislation