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Our Welsh language commitment

We inspect places of detention in England and Wales. We are committed to treating the languages of English and Welsh equally in institutions in Wales, and where our reports relate to institutions or people detained in Wales.

We fulfil this commitment by:

  • Offering our prisoner survey in Welsh to all detainees held in institutions in Wales, and to any prisoner in an institution in England who requests it.
  • Translating all inspection reports and thematic reviews that cover institutions in Wales either at the same time as the English language version or as soon as possible afterwards.
  • Publishing any other reports or materials, such as easy read versions of inspection reports, that cover institutions in Wales, into Welsh at the same time as the English language version or as soon as possible afterwards.
  • Publishing our annual report in Welsh, at the same time as the English language version or as soon as possible afterwards.
  • Making it as easy as possible for people to find Welsh translations on our website.
  • Promoting Welsh publications on X (Twitter) in Welsh.
  • Continuing to inspect Welsh language provision in Welsh institutions against HM Prison and Probation Service’s published commitments.