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Our stakeholder survey

Stakeholder survey 2024

The 2024 online stakeholder survey was live from 22 November 2024 to 6 January 2025, and we received a total of 98 responses. We received the the highest number of responses from prison service staff (85%).

A more detailed breakdown of the findings can be seen in the documents and graphics below.

We asked respondents what they use our resources for. Most people (64) said they use our resources to access information, 13 said for advocacy and engagement, 45 said for improving operational practice, 30 for improving or informing policy, 10 said 'I don't use HMI Prisons' resources', 5 selected other.

We asked respondents whether they agreed or disagreed with these statement about our inspection reports.

'They are sufficiently detailed.' 27 respondents strongly agreed, 53 agreed, 4 disagreed, 4 strongly disagreed, and 9 said 'don't know.'

'The structure is easy to follow.' 19 respondents strongly agreed, 62 agreed, 6 disagreed,  strongly disagreed, and 8 said 'don't know.'

'The design makes them easy to read.' 19 respondents strongly agreed, 59 agreed, 7 disagreed, 2 strongly disagreed, and 8 said 'don't know.'
We asked respondents to tell us whether they agreed or disagreed with these statements about our new website. 

'It is easier to find what I need on the new site.' 43 respondents agreed, 4 disagreed and 4 said 'don't  know.'

'The new site is more visually appealing.' 44 respondents agreed, 1 disagreed and 5 said 'don't know.'

'The new site is more accessible.' 42 respondents agreed, 4 disagreed and 4 said 'don't know.'

'Getting information on inspection findings is easier.' 40 respondents agreed, 4 disagreed and 5 said 'don't know.'

'There is more information about our work and what we think about current issues.' 39 respondents agreed, 2 disagreed and 9 said 'don't know.'
We asked respondents what they use our resources for. Most people (64) said they use our resources to access information, 13 said for advocacy and engagement, 45 said for improving operational practice, 30 for improving or informing policy, 10 said 'I don't use HMI Prisons' resources', 5 selected other.

We asked respondents whether they agreed or disagreed with these statement about our inspection reports.

'They are sufficiently detailed.' 27 respondents strongly agreed, 53 agreed, 4 disagreed, 4 strongly disagreed, and 9 said 'don't know.'

'The structure is easy to follow.' 19 respondents strongly agreed, 62 agreed, 6 disagreed,  strongly disagreed, and 8 said 'don't know.'

'The design makes them easy to read.' 19 respondents strongly agreed, 59 agreed, 7 disagreed, 2 strongly disagreed, and 8 said 'don't know.'

What is the survey?

Every year we run a survey to find out what our stakeholders think of the work we have carried out in the last 12 months. All the information stakeholders provide is treated as anonymous and confidential. After the survey, the findings are analysed by our research team and shared with our Corporate Governance Board. They may also be used in our strategic business planning.

Through the survey, we can gather the views of a range of stakeholders. Stakeholders might work in these roles or settings:

  • Directly with offenders, prisoners or detainees
  • In prisons or other places of detention
  • In managing services for offenders or detainees (e.g. escort, health, education)
  • On criminal justice or immigration policy

You might also be a stakeholder if you:

  • Work for another inspectorate, an ombudsman or a regulator
  • Work or volunteer for an independent monitoring body (e.g. IMB, ICV)
  • Are an academic, researcher or student
  • Are or have been a prisoner or detainee
  • Are a family member or friend of a prisoner or detainee.

Findings from the 2023 survey

Read the findings from the 2023 stakeholder survey.