Reports published 2 May 2023
Reports on an inspection of HMP/YOI Stoke Heath and an independent review of progress at HMP Wayland
HMP/YOI Stoke Heath
Type of inspection: Full inspection
Dates of inspection: 9-13 January 2023
Summary of findings: This was a largely positive inspection, reflecting Stoke Heath’s continuing stability and capability, but the prison still had a long way to go to recover from the effects of pandemic restrictions, with many prisoners unlocked for only 90 minutes a day. Only around half of prisoners were in education or employment, and work to reduce prisoners’ risk of reoffending and prepare them for release was not good enough.
Points to note: Sports instructors had introduced a twinning arrangement with Stoke City Football Club. This had led to Stoke Heath being selected for a national scheme in which professional football clubs link with prisons to provide extra resources for education, along with a programme of professional sports coaching.
Read the report: HMP/YOI Stoke Heath
HMP Wayland
Type of inspection: Independent review of progress
Dates of inspection: 20-22 March 2023
Summary of findings: A new governor was making considerable improvements and had introduced a new regime giving better access to education and employment. As a result prisoners were less frustrated and violence had reduced, but there was still a long way to go to deliver an appropriate level of activity for a category C prison. The prison continued to face significant staff shortfalls.
Points to note: Two prison-employed family support workers had introduced a parenting course and had started to identify and follow up prisoners who did not have visits. A volunteer befriending service was offered.
Read the report: HMP Wayland