Report published 18 December 2023
A report on an independent review of progress at HMP Hewell
HMP Hewell
Type of inspection: Independent review of progress
Dates of review: 13–15 November 2023
Summary of findings: Hewell is a men’s category B reception prison in the West Midlands. Progress had stalled since the last full inspection, which the prison attributed to staff shortfalls. Too many men were still only unlocked for two hours a day, though a pilot to increase this was underway. Health care had improved, as had the management of public protection arrangements, including the oversight of high risk prisoners who had been released.
Points to note: Ofsted found prisoners with learning needs and disabilities were better identified, and newly recruited staff were in training to manage officer shortages. However, early days in custody arrangements remained poor and not enough had been done to reduce self-harm.
Read the report: HMP Hewell