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Report published 5 August

Report on an inspection of HMP Bristol

HMP Bristol

Type of inspection: independent review of progress

Dates of inspection: 24-26 June 2024

Summary of findings:  At this review of progress, inspectors found the governor and her team had worked hard to stabilise the prison and made some improvements since the prison received an urgent notification in 2023. The prison was now fully staffed and able to run a consistent daily routine for prisoners. Key activities including education, work and health care appointments were no longer routinely cancelled and all prisoners were allocated to work, education or training and expected to attend . This had helped to reduce tensions on the wings and contributed to the lower levels of conflict between prisoners and staff. Progress was very fragile, however, and to consolidate this and continue to improve it is vital that Bristol receives sustained support from HMPPS.

Points to note: Violence, while reduced, remained higher than in most other reception prisons and levels of self-harm had not yet come down.

Read the report: Bristol