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194 news articles

Drugs and disorder: worrying times for prisons

Following a worrying inspection at Hindley, Charlie Taylor reflects on the causes and consequences of a resurgence in drugs in prisons.

HMP/YOI Hindley: rampant drug use and a poor regime causing very high levels of violence

A new report has found that inexperienced prison officers at HMP/YOI Hindley were struggling to manage a very challenging prison dominated by a “tsunami” of drugs, high levels of violence and self-harm and failing infrastructure.

Vulnerable children in custody forcibly stripped, inappropriate pain-inducing techniques of restraint and inadequate oversight at HMYOI Wetherby

Some of the most vulnerable children in the country are being stripped of their clothing under restraint with far too little oversight and accountability and inappropriate use of pain-inducing techniques, a report by HM Chief Inspector of Prisons has found.

Reports published 26 February 2024

Reports on unannounced inspections of HMPYOI Peterborough (women's) and HMP Morton Hall

Drugs, violence and self-harm continue to dominate life at Lowdham Grange

An independent review of progress at Lowdham Grange found worrying increases in violence and self harm and high levels of drugs.

Reports published 19 February 2024

Reports on independent reviews of progress at HMP Risley and HMP/YOI Feltham B

“Neglected” Bedford jail will need sustained support to improve after full inspection report details some of the worst conditions inspectors have seen

A report on Bedford prison published today reveals the full scale of problems that led HM Chief Inspector of Prisons to write to the Secretary of State for Justice in November to invoke an Urgent Notification about the state of the jail.

The long wait: acutely mentally unwell men and women trapped in prison

A new report by the Chief Inspector of prisons shines a light on the plight of desperately unwell men and women languishing in prison waiting for transfer to secure mental hospitals.

Report published 5 February 2024

A report on an inspection of court custody facilities in Humber and South Yorkshire.

HMP Highpoint: Staff shortages and inadequate teaching limiting prisoners’ preparation for release

One of the largest category C training and resettlement prisons in England is failing to deliver its core purpose to prepare men for their return to the community.