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212 news articles

Reports published 23 January 2023

Reports on unannounced inspections of HMP Maidstone and HMP Wealstun

The power of food

Last month, we published "Thematic review: The experiences of adult black male prisoners and black prison staff". One of the recommendations for building trust put forward by prisoners and staff was making and sharing food together. In this blog, lead inspector Hindpal Singh Bhui shares his experience of visiting a prison to see how this can work in practice.

HMP Isle of Wight – failure to prepare for the release of high-risk prisoners

A prison that houses high-risk sex offenders is failing to prepare effectively for their release into the community, a new report confirms. HMP Isle of Wight releases one or two high risk prisoners per month, but evidence from the inspection suggested that these prisoners were not always identified or discussed at a multidisciplinary forum ahead of their release to make sure risk management plans were robust.

Reports published 9 January 2023

Reports on independent reviews of progress at HMP Brixton and HMP Winchester

HMP/YOI Norwich – prisoners locked up for hours due to staffing shortages

In line with the national trend across the prison estate, HMP Norwich was struggling to provide meaningful work, education, and activities for the 700 prisoners it held.

Generally good care for detainees escorted and removed to Zimbabwe

Inspectors monitoring an escort and removal flight to Zimbabwe found that generally detainees were treated well by staff. Three women and six men were on the flight in September, which was the first inspected since removals to Zimbabwe restarted in 2021 after an interval of several years.

Racial divisions in prisons: old problems need new solutions

Blog from Hindpal Singh Bhui, lead inspector for the thematic review into the experiences of adult black male prisoners and black prison staff.

HMP Northumberland – safer but failing in its rehabilitative duty

HMP Northumberland, a category C resettlement prison in the north east of England was safer than during the last inspection in 2017, according to prison inspectors. However, the provision of meaningful work, education and training was lacking, and inspectors were particularly disappointed with limited rehabilitative opportunities and poor oversight of public protection. Staff shortages had severely impacted the prison’s ability to fulfil these crucial functions.

New report proposes creative solutions to improve the treatment of black prisoners and black staff

Divisions between black prisoners and white prison staff are entrenched throughout the prison service, and black prison staff report very negative experiences at work. But both of these problems could be tackled through taking a more creative approach focused on building mutual trust and respect. This is one of the key findings of ‘Thematic review: The experiences of adult black male prisoners and black prison staff’, published today.

HMP/YOI Isis – young men spending too long locked up

Isis is a modern prison in south-east London, with an unstable and challenging population; around 80 new prisoners arrive each month, many of whom are involved at some level with London gangs. On this visit, inspectors were impressed with the governor and her commitment to improvement, but there were some disappointing findings, particularly in the area of rehabilitation and release planning.