La Moye prison
La Moye - Inspection report (PDF, 3.5 MB)
Report on an announced inspection of La Moye prison, Jersey by HM Chief Inspector of Prisons (11–21 November 2024)
La Moye healthy prison scores

What we found
La Moye is the only prison in Jersey, holding men, women, young offenders and, in exceptional circumstances, children. Since our 2017 inspection, the establishment had remained safe and respectful, with low levels of violence and self-harm. Staff-prisoner relationships were excellent, accommodation units were very good, as was prisoners’ access to various services, amenities and health care. However, data use to drive improvements were poor and segregation was overused.
Points to note: The provision of work and education had deteriorated significantly, and prisoners were not able to prepare effectively for release. Work opportunities were of poor quality, there was insufficient accredited training and most education courses only allowed for low-level achievement. There was an urgent need to rebuild a regime that occupied prisoners and incentivised them to behave well and engage while in custody.