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HMP/YOI Standford Hill

Open document

Report on an unannounced inspection of HMP/YOI Standford Hill by HM Chief Inspector of Prisons (8–9 and 20–24 October 2024)

Standford Hill healthy prison scores

Bar chart showing the healthy prison outcomes for HMP/YOI Standford Hill in 2019 and 2024. All outcomes remained the same: with safety, purposeful activity and preparation for release marked as good; and respect marked as reasonably good.

What we found

HMP/YOI Standford Hill had maintained the positive outcomes achieved in its last inspection in 2019, as well as addressing nearly all the concerns and recommendations raised. It was a very safe prison where prisoners were motivated by the quality of life, clear opportunities for progression, and employment and resettlement opportunities. Staff-prisoner relationships were positive and leaders were approachable; and their collaborative work with partners and stakeholders in the prison and the community had led to good outcomes, particularly in health care, education and work skills.

Points to note: Some communal residential areas were not clean enough and too many prisoners were allocated to wing work, where they were underemployed and poorly supervised.