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HMP The Mount

Open document

Report on an unannounced inspection of HMP The Mount by HM Chief Inspector of Prisons (11–12 and 18–22 November 2024)

The Mount healthy prison scores

Bar graph showing prison outcomes for HMP The Mount at the last inspection in 2022 and the most recent one in 2024. The rating for safety has remained 'reasonably good', the ratings for respect and preparation for release have improved from 'not sufficiently good' to 'reasonably good', and the rating for purposeful activity has remained 'poor'.

What we found

Staff recruitment, retention and capability had improved and most prisoners were being supported effectively. Rates of self-harm had reduced but there had been five suicides since the prison was inspected in 2022. The biggest concern was the ingress of contraband on drones, which threatened to destabilise the jail; as well as drugs, weapons had also been found. Leaders were not aware that the quality of teaching was poor and struggled to provide accurate attendance figures.

Points to note: The incentivised substance-free living wing was among the best inspectors had seen, with knowledgeable staff supporting the recovery of the many addicts in the jail. Although much of the accommodation was showing its age, a well-led team of prisoners was working hard to complete essential maintenance. Regular vlogs and good visibility from the senior team were appreciated by staff and prisoners alike.