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HMP Five Wells

Open document

Report on an unannounced inspection of HMP Five Wells by HM Chief Inspector of Prisons (2–12 January 2024)

What we found

Opening in early 2022, this was Five Wells’ first inspection. After a period of unsettled leadership, the recently appointed director brought experience and stability.

While incidents of violence were falling and staff felt safer, staff inexperience and lack of confidence meant low-level poor behaviour went unchallenged and too few key work sessions were taking place. The regime remained limited and the quality of education, skills and work was not good enough. The prison also continued to face challenges with the use of illicit drugs.

Points to note

The living conditions were excellent and access to facilities was reasonable. The use of force and segregation was low, but rates of self-harm were extremely high, with not enough being done to reduce this.

Easy read summary
(PDF, 681 KB)
Population statistics
(PDF, 146 KB)

Action plan