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HMP Exeter

Open document

Report on an independent review of progress at HMP Exeter by HM Chief Inspector of Prisons (13–15 November 2023)

What we found

Exeter, a men’s reception prison with a small resettlement function, had received Urgent Notifications from the previous two full inspections which had raised serious concerns about the safety of men held there.

A new governor had a clear vision and was visible on the wings. Improvements to governance and risk management processes were evident and care for individuals in crisis was better. Rates of self-harm remained high, and a further self-inflicted death had occurred since the last inspection. An action plan to address the Prisons and Probation Ombudsman’s (PPOs) concerns in these areas was in place, but managers were slow to address these, and previous PPO reports raised similar themes. Progress remained fragile and some effective staff members were only temporary appointments.

Points to note

Oversight and understanding of violence had improved, but Exeter continued to have one of the highest recorded rates of violence between prisoners in the adult male estate. Key areas of the prison’s CCTV remained poor, and the prison continued to be overcrowded.