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HMP Durham

Open document

Report on an unannounced inspection of HMP Durham by HM Chief Inspector of Prisons (30 April – 16 May 2024)

Durham healthy prison scores

Bar chart showing the healthy prison outcomes at HMP Durham in 2024 compared with 2021. Safety had declined from reasonably good to not sufficiently good, respect had remained not sufficiently good, purposeful activity had declined from not sufficiently good to poor, preparation for release had improved from not sufficiently good to reasonably good.

What we found

A new governor and deputy brought some much-needed stability to this ageing, overcrowded reception prison, but most prisoners spent 22 or more hours a day locked in their cells forcing them to choose between having a shower, collecting medication, using the kiosk, or getting fresh air. There was a thriving illicit drugs market, which was linked to the increasing violence. The physical fabric of the prison needed attention, with many cells and communal areas dilapidated.

Points to note: The use of PAVA incapacitant spray was the highest of any reception prison and footage showed that some staff used it when other options were available.