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Focus on women’s prisons: a briefing paper from HM Inspectorate of Prisons

Open document

This briefing paper describes the findings, best practice and key areas for improvement from inspections of five women’s prisons: HMP Send, HMP & YOI Low Newton, HMP & YOI Downview, HMP & YOI Styal and HMP & YOI Foston Hall.

The paper sets out some common issues for women in prison, summarises the main findings from the five inspections, and highlights examples of good practice which improved outcomes for women.

Our inspections have found some areas of positive and developing practice but also key inconsistencies in outcomes that cannot be defended. There is no doubt that the last year has been a difficult one for many women in prison given the restricted regime in place to manage COVID-19, not least the limitations on face-to-face contact with their children. However, other weaknesses we report are not a result of COVID-19 restrictions. Clear and committed leadership is needed to address these weaknesses and promote more positive outcomes.