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Detainee survey

We ask detainees to complete a questionnaire covering their ‘journey’ from reception to release, together with questions about their background. Knowing their background enables us to compare responses from different demographic groups in the population of each establishment.

The questionnaires also allow detainees to express, in their own words, what they find most positive and negative about the establishment. We undertake qualitative analysis of these written comments for inspectors, but neither the comments nor analysis are published. The adult prisoner questionnaire comes in 14 languages and can be completed via a telephone translation service if needed.

The questionnaire is offered to a random sample of detainees. We calculate the minimum sample size required to ensure that the findings can be generalised to the entire population of the establishment. In smaller establishments we may offer the questionnaire to the entire population.

We distribute and collect the questionnaires in person. So that detainees can give their informed consent to participate, we explain the purpose of the survey and our policies around confidentiality and anonymity. We also emphasise that participation is voluntary.

Find out more about our ethical principles for research.

Those who agree to take part are provided with a sealable envelope for their completed questionnaire. We complete the questionnaire via a face-to-face interview for detainees who tell us that they have literacy difficulties.

Further information about how we undertake the detainee survey is available alongside the survey results, which are published with each inspection report.