Report published 26 November
Report on an inspection of HMP Rye Hill
HMP Rye Hill
Type of inspection: full inspection
Dates of inspection: 20–21 August, 2–13 September 2024
Summary of findings: Even with low levels of violence, Rye Hill continued to further improve safety. Prisoners identified as high-risk had preventative support and segregation was used sparingly. Prisoners felt staff treated them with respect and prisoner-led initiatives were integral to the jail’s success. There was an impressive focus on getting prisoners into employment, accompanied by an active reading strategy.
Points to note: Unlike in public sector prisons, interviews for prison officer roles at Rye Hill were face-to-face and there was a longer training programme with better mentoring. Inexperienced staff felt well supported and confident in their roles. The under-resourcing of staff to escort prisoners to the local hospital had been a longstanding issue that remained unaddressed, and the mental health team still had no allocated consultation rooms for confidential assessments and treatment.
Read the report: Rye Hill