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HMP Lindholme

Open document

Report on an independent review of progress at HMP Lindholme by HM Chief Inspector of Prisons (13-15 May 2024)

What we found

Lindholme failed to address the three main concerns of the last inspection: drugs, sentence progression and education, training and work. Key work had barely improved, many prisoners still had no key worker. Staffing in the OMU was slowly increasing, but there was still not enough support or opportunities for prisoners to progress through their sentence. The jails core function as a training prison was failing and many prisoners remained unemployed.

All night staff now carried ligature knives but lacked awareness of the needs of the most vulnerable individuals in their care. Several did not know the location of the nearest defibrillator in case of emergency. Good efforts to improve living conditions, with better cell ventilation and fans being distributed, had been made.

Points to note: The serious problem of illicit drug use had worsened, with 40% of prisoners randomly selected for drug testing proving positive in the last two months. Lindholme had still not received funding for enhanced gate security and leadership to tackle the drugs problem was lacking.